
Ate too much last night

Yesterday was the first day of three-day weekend.Next Monday,8th of October is Health and Sport day.
I went out to eat last night and ate too much,then I woke up in this early morning because of feeling unpleasant(actually it's still 5am)...

These photos were taken in Ginza I went last night.

At first restaurant(bistro),I ate carpaccio,terrine,gut stew and spagetti.I was already full,and after that I had some wine at spanish bar.When I was going back to my home,it was heavy raining suddenly.
I went to another place in a hurry,my favorite cafe-creperie.
It was first time I didn't want to eat anymore even though chocolate crape I love the most was in front of me.

Last night I ate European food too much,I try to let my stomach give a break for a while.

Thank you for reading and have a nice weekend:)